There are 6-7 robins outside of my window right now - hopping from branch to branch trying to stay warm. I have no idea what their problem is. It's January. It's snowing. Why are they still in Ohio? Frank has been watching their trying-to-stay-warm dance with some interest. I wish I could invite them in for a cup of tea.
This website tells me that some robins stay north if they can find berries to eat. I think the appearance of 7 robins in my snowy, blustery backyard has something to do with global warming. Poor little things.
Oh, and here's a photo of Frank for you.
We had the same thing (with about 3 dozen robins) during our snow storms around xmas. The cats loved it. I was just...concerned. I'd never even seen a robin in Portland before - much less 40 of them playing in our holly tree.
Posted by: Amy | January 07, 2009 at 05:48 PM